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Title: Bemvindo, camarada professor!
Alternative title: Welcome, comrade Professor!
Issue Date: 1976-05-19
Abstract: Article evocative of the role played by Dr. Ruy Luís Gomes in the anti-fascist struggle, in the context of his visit to Alentejo, recalling his pathway since he was removed from the University of Porto until the 25 April, with references to his participation in the fight against the Estado Novo regime.
Artigo evocativo do papel desempenhado pelo Dr. Ruy Luís Gomes na luta antifascista, no contexto da visita que fará ao Alentejo, recordando-se o seu percurso desde o afastamento da Universidade do Porto até ao 25 de Abril, com referências à sua intervenção na luta contra o regime do Estado Novo.
Description: Documento
Source: Diário do Sul
Series: 472 - Arquivo Noticioso
Document Type: Artigo em jornal
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:ADUP REIT - Recortes de imprensa [1919-1987]

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