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Title: Universidade do Porto: entrega de prémios
Alternative title: University of Porto: Prize giving
Issue Date: [1956-1957]
Abstract: News about the award of the 1st "Mobil Oil Portuguesa" prize to the student Romeu Bismark Ferreira, who excelled in Mechanical Engineering. The "Marques de Carvalho" prize was given to the student Maria de Lurdes Dias, of the Faculty of Pharmacy, who received the highest marks in Pharmacognosy and Pharmacophysics.
Notícia da entrega do 1.º prémio da Companhia "Mobil Oil Portuguesa" ao aluno Romeu Bismark Ferreira, que se distinguiu em Engenharia Mecânica. Entrega do prémio "Marques de Carvalho" à aluna Maria de Lurdes Dias, da Faculdade de Farmácia, a qual foi a melhor classificada nas cadeiras de Farmacognosia e Farmacofísica.
Description: Documento
Source: s.n.
Series: 472 - Arquivo Noticioso
Document Type: Artigo em jornal
Rights: open access
Appears in Collections:ADUP REIT - Recortes de imprensa [1919-1987]

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